The Uniform

The Knights Templar are a uniformed Order. Basically, Knights Templar are in uniform for every function that they participate in, from Stated Conclaves to Observances to Official Visits.

Each Sir Knight should review the Uniform Regulations and seek guidance from his
Commander or Recorder if questions arise. Remember that this is a UNIFORM, akin to a
Military Uniform and should be treated as such. The regulations exist to assist Sir Knights in
maintaining their correct appearance. A neat and well–groomed appearance by a uniformed
Knight Templar is of fundamental importance to the Order and contributes to building the pride and esprit de corps to furthering the objectives of the Order. It is the duty of all Knights Templar to take pride in their appearance at all times.

For Prospective Members

A brand new full uniform can be expensive (hundreds to a thousand dollars or more). However, don’t let that dissuade you, if you are interested in joining our ranks. While a Chapeau (hat) is going to a few hundred dollars, the overall cost of the rest of your uniform will vary based on what clothes you already have and how much ability you have to do some tailoring vs having someone else do it for you. (Mostly with the jacket.) Contact us with questions, and we have more detailed notes on the uniform and purchase options in our Members Only section.

For New Members

Keep in mind your Knights Templar Uniform is not like your suit or tuxedo jacket in blue lodge or other bodies. It isn’t the place for lapel pins or for any items not authorized in the uniform guidelines. Equally, the jewels and items on your Knights Templar uniform should not be worn in other Masonic bodies.