[Text of the Diploma]
In the Name of the Holy Trinty, Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
WE, CHIEFS of the Encampment No. 1, of the Most Sublime and Ancient Order of Knight Templars, held in the City of Baltimore, under the Sanction of Lodge No. 3,
DO HERBY CERTIFY, That our trusty and well beloved Brother and Companion, Sir Edward Brynan, a Regular Royal Arch Mason, has been Dubbed and Admitted as a Knight Templar and Knights of Malta and that he has Valiantly supported the great principles of our Order during his stay amongst us to our entire satisfaction.
THEREFORE, We do most cordially recommend him to all the Sublime and respectable Encampments in the Universe, hoping that they will cheer a Pilgrim on his way, And that this Certificate may not be of service to any other Person, We have caused our said Brother to set his name adjacent to the Seal, ne veriatur.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We have delivered unto him this Certficiate, Signed with our Hands and Seal of our Encampment No. 1, under the Azure Arch at high noon at Baltimore, in North America, the Sixteenth day of January, A. D. 1802, A. L. 5802.
Philip P. Eckel, H. P.
John Nelson, G. M.
David Geddes, C. G.
John Ogston, Recorder